План поступления
Направление «Физическая культура», код 49.04.01

Спортивный менеджмент


О программе

Подготовка магистров в сфере физической культуры.

Варианты обучения

Форма обученияПроходной балл
бюджет / платное
бюджет / платное
за год
Начало занятийСрок обучения
— / —
— / 25
154 300 р.
2 года

Условия поступления

    • Теория и методика физического воспитания и спорта

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    1 вопрос

    • Abderrahmane OUIDDIR
      О программе Спортивный менеджмент
      22 сентября 2022
      Hi, I would like to prepare a master degree in sport management and I would like to know if the program is in English ? How much for the tuition fees ? Cordially
      • Ирина Андреевна Анохина
        Официальный представитель
        Ответ OUIDDIR
        26 сентября 2022
        "Dear Applicant! We're glad to welcome your desire to study at Moscow Region State University! Let us inform you that all programs of our university are implemented in Russian language only. If you're interested in further studying in Russian language, please let us know. Here is more detailed information on the preparatory course of Russian language available at MRSU. We'd like to inform you that our university provides the preparatory course of Russian language for foreign citizens that takes one academic year. The course usually starts in October and lasts till the end of June. The application for the preparatory faculty of Russian in already opened. This academic year, due to the current epidemiological situation, only the program of distant courses for the study of the Russian language is implemented. We kindly draw your attention that we will not issue visa and invitations. The cost of the 2022-2023 course is 137 000 rubles. To apply for the program, you'll need to fill our information form and send us back its filled copy with your signature. We'll also kindly ask you to send us the copy of your passport with its translation to Russian. After preparatory course graduation you'll be able to continue your education on Master degree program in Sport Management. Please feel free to ask any further questions directly to the Department for International Students of MRSU through their email address interstudents@mgou.ru. "

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